Saturday 3 October 2015

Genre research - THRILLER

What is a Thriller
A thriller film is a genre that revolves around anticipation and suspense. The aim for Thrillers is to keep tension in the audience and to keep them on the edge of their seats. The protagonist in these type of films is usually set against a problem, of which the hero will have to solve/overcome. No matter what sub-genre a Thriller film falls into, it will emphasise the danger that the protagonist faces. The tension with the main problem is built on throughout the film and leads to a highly  climax.

Thriller films also have many sub-genres: 

Some examples of thriller films include: 

  • Psycho - 1960
  • The Dark Night - 2008
  • Black Swan - 2010
  • The Silence of The Lambs - 1991
  • Inception - 2010
  • Jaws - 1975
Convention of Thriller Openings

  • A Villain and Hero (Good vs Bad)
  • Low key Lighting
  • Tension and Suspense
  • Violence and Blood
  • Location, Genre and Character Presence
  • Dreary, Creepy Music
  • Murder, Crime

Why I have chosen to make a thriller opening:
I have chosen to make an opening to a thriller film as I feel that, with the limited amount of resources that are available to me, I will be able to create an effective opening with a small budget. I also feel that thriller films are very versatile, which leaves me with a lot of room to come up with a specific plot for my film. On top of that, a typical convention of a thriller is that the film usually follows a single protagonist. This is helpful for my situation as I have limited availability to actors. Also thrillers often take place in isolated environments which is convenient for me as I live in rural area. 

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