Day 1:
On this day of filming we were only shooting the bench sequence. For this scene we needed Lauren's makeup to look relatively extreme. We used blue and green eyeshadows to create bags under her eyes and a bruise on her chin. We used greys and taupes to create shadows around her face that would make her skin appear dead and face appear hollow. We also used red under her eyes to make them seem irritated, and then smudged mascara beneath her eyes and on her eyelids to give the appearance that she had been crying. And finally we added white and purple to her lips to drain any colour from her face.

Before filming, we allowed ourselves half an hour in order to complete the makeup for the first few scenes of our production. This would be for the happy memories, in which the girls must look healthy and full of life. For this we used soft eyeshadows, light blusher, highlighter and a sheer red lipstick in order to make the characters look as radiant as possible. Our aim was to give the impression that the girls were not wearing a significant amount of makeup, but instead looked naturally healthy and glowing.

Later in the day we altered Lauren's makeup in order to make her look vacant and distressed for the more melancholy scenes. For this we used greys and taupes to hollow out her cheekbones. We then used red eyeshadow under her eyes in order to make them look irritated and sleep deprived. We also added white and purple powers to her lips to make them look dry and to make her overall image appear more dead. We added greens and greys to her chin in order to give the impression of a bruise being there. And finally we smudged her mascara from the previous scenes to give off the sense that she had previously been crying.
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