Sunday, 21 February 2016

Pre-production: Initial Sound Ideas

Our film opening features a significant shift in tone half way through. We have decided that the beginning of our film will have calm and slightly up beat instrumental, non-diegetic music. This will fit in will the happy recollections/ memories at the start of the opening. However this will be slightly distorted as to sound more like a lullaby in order to make the atmosphere slightly more uncomfortable as the music is ever so slightly wrong for the scenes that are being shown. Then, as the tone of the memories begins to change, so will the tone of the music. The music will first begin to slow down and then will become more sinister; increasing in tension.
We took inspiration for this from:
UP (2009):

Women in Black (2012)

We will also be using diegetic sounds in our opening. We will use bird song and natural laughter of the characters at the very beginning in order to introduce an element of calmness. Then in the later scenes we will use harsh static sounds in order to create a sense of distorted reality and to suggest that things things not quite being as they appear.

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