Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Editing: Sound

We had initially intended on asking my brother to create the music for our production however this created some issues and we therefore decided that it would be more appropriate to find copy-right free music online and then edit it on imovie. We liked the idea of the music being similar to lullaby to convey the mental instability of our main character. Therefore we have chosen a soft sounding lullaby to run through the first half of our opening and then, as the tone becomes darker, we have distorted the music by adding a harsh bass and slowing the lullaby music down.
From feedback from Molly and Jess when watching our first draft, they wanted music that built in intensity, therefore we tried to accomplish this by adding a deep bass sound towards the end of the opening, and making the lullaby more sinister.
Also from our focus group we received this feedback regarding music:

What sort of the music do you think we should add?
  • Something innocent but eery
  • Something that subtly builds suspense, but you don't want it to be too dramatic. 
  • slow music that slowly builds up to create tension.
This helped us to decide on the lullaby element of our film, as it reflects the innocence that the group mentioned. 

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